“How do I import ChatGPT responses into Google Sheets?”
Digital marketer
“Is there a way to integrate ChatGPT and Google Sheets?
ChatGPT allow marketers to automate tasks, such as creating content, and handling customer queries. This frees up marketers to focus on more important tasks, such as creating compelling campaigns, analyzing data, and developing strategies.
The next step is to import responses from ChatGPT to Google Sheets. With Google Sheets, it allows you to collaborate with other team members and share insights across departments.
Requirement: ChatGPT API Secret Key
First is to find your API key in your ChatGPT account.
1 – Log-in to your ChatGPT account.
3 – In the upper right, click on your profile and then click on View API keys.
4 – Click on + Create new secret key.
6 – Your secret API key appears. Take note and save the secret key before closing as you won’t be able to view again.
7 – Click on Done (only after saving it somewhere).
How To Connect ChatGPT with Google Sheets
To connect ChatGPT to Google Sheets, you need a Google Sheets add-on. These add-ons are usually paid add-ons. As mentioned, you can do it manually (for free) to save money. But in perspective, you might want to spend a little bit to save time.
Use Two Minute Reports in this use case. Two Minute Reports imports data from OpenAI directly to Google Sheets in minutes. No required coding skills.
Installing The Google Sheets Add-on
1 – Go to your Google Drive workspace.
2 – Click + New then create a new Google Sheets file.
4 – Search for Two Minute Reports. Then install it.
Import ChatGPT Data Source
Import ChatGPT Data Query
This point in the process is importing responses of ChatGPT to the spreadsheet.
3 – Name your data query. Then find the ChatGPT data source you imported earlier.
4 – Save on Sheet is the location of the sheet where the data is imported to, so make you know what your tabs are named after. Add A1 under Cell in this example.
5 – Select Standard.
6 – Under Prompt, enter what information you want ChatGPT to answer. In this example, I entered “tell me a joke about spaghetti.“
7 – Under Spreadsheet, select No for now.
Ignore Output Options and Model Configuration for now.
8 – Click on the Run query button.
Done! You imported ChatGPT responses to Google Sheets!
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Conclusion: Get ChatGPT Responses in Google Sheets
As businesses continue to manage multiple tasks, the importance of managing and analyzing chat data grows. Importing ChatGPT data to Google Sheets provides an easy and efficient way to organize and analyze this data.
Overall, importing ChatGPT data to Google Sheets not only simplifies data management but also opens the door for data-driven decision-making. Use the insights gained from analyzing chat data to improve customer satisfaction and drive business growth.